Multi-size Adjustable Packaging

Simplify Multiple Sized Order Packing by Using Just One Pack Size

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Size Adjustable Packaging Solution
Retention Packaging that eliminates voidfill
Wrap Around Size Adjustable Packaging

Simplify Multiple Sized Order Packing by Using Just One Pack Size

Choosing packaging sizes can be very difficult, you want to include as many sizes as possible to keep unit costs as efficient as possible, but also you have to consider the added complications of many box sizes and the storage and logistics problems of keeping stock replenished at the packing bench. That’s why we’ve been designing adjustable packaging boxes that change size depending on the order you need to pack. Many companies offer boxes with multi-depth creases but we think they are too fiddly and time-consuming to use. To pack orders that change shape and size you need something that changes shape and size too without having to cut and crease and fold and tuck. We designed the perfect pack, want to find out what it is?

Size Adjustable Packaging for Online Orders

Packaging that Reduces Void Fill

Packaging that eliminates the need to fill spaces in boxes with voidfill material.

We don’t really like voidfill air pillows and crumpled paper, we sell them, but we don’t like them. I think you’d agree that voidfil is an unnecessary cost and one that is harmful to the environment. Added to that it’s difficult and bulky for your customer to dispose of and to be honest doesn’t look very nice does it? Wouldn’t it be great if someone designed a neat and tidy solution that completely removed the need for voidfill? Imagine not having to spend time stuffing crumpled paper or plastic air pillows into the top of your boxes.

Here at Datec we design special packaging that means you don’t have to worry about voidfil, or if you do it’s a lot faster to use! Sometimes you have to use voidfill, sometimes even we can’t avoid the voidfill plague, but we can make it nicer and kinder to the environment. Ask us to help and we’ll give our best shot at eliminating your voidfill, at the least we’ll try and make it nicer for you.

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